Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Super Bowl Ring - what's this?

With the Super Bowl come the Super Bowl rings. But what are they and how can you get one?

Super Bowl rings awards are given to all members of the winning team in the championship game of the league, the Super Bowl. Assigned to it in memory of his victory. These valuable rings are usually white or yellow diamonds. They have engraved the Super Bowl in team name and team logo on each ring.

The rings can also be more diamonds and diamonds that are designed to be a trophy. If won, the amount of Super Bowls the particular franchise. For example, the 2005 Super Bowl ring of Pittsburgh five trophies, the five championship games and Super Bowls they have won.

Many people may not know that the NFL actually spends almost $ 5,000 per ring, and usually gives almost 150 rings for each team. And the policy was whether the cost of the rings over the limit of $ 5,000, the team manager would be to pay the difference. Many new rings are worth more than $ 20,000, but most manufacturers do not directly provide this information.

Super Bowl rings selected, usually by the company the winning team. A large part of Super Bowl rings is from a company named Josten produced in Denton. Texas.


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